[-empyre-] empyre meeting at ISEA

mouse sounds great.. does behaviouralism come into it with specific task
training : -)

re ISEA - i'll be showing in Nagoya  as well,  so perhaps we should have
an -empyre- meeting there..
ill check out the schedule and places etc and post on the list closer to
October.. looking forward to meeting some of you who i dont know.. and those
i do ..


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tiffany Holmes" <tholme@artic.edu>
To: <empyre@imap.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Art Chicago 2002

> Hello all:
> Neil, glad you got a chance to see the Follow the Mouse installation!  I'm
> just now recovering from all of the "cheesy" Mickey Mouse repartee that
> sort of piece inspires in the crowds of visitors unfamiliar with
> experimental/new media art works.
> The installation is really a simple office cubicle: partition walls, desk,
> chair, CPU, keyboard, monitor, printer.  All computer actions, however,
> controlled by the movement of a live mouse, as opposed to a plastic one.
> like to say that I'm developing "liveware" instead of hardware for artist
> use.  Currently, the mouse is engaged in a process of creating drawings
> of simple shapes.  The height and width of the shapes are controlled by
> fast the mouse is moving, opacity is controlled by the overall amount of
> motion in the cage, and position is determined by the rodent's location in
> the cage.
> Documentation: http://webspaces.artic.edu/~tholme/mouse/mouse.html
> For those of you bound to ISEA in Nagoya this fall, you'll see this piece
> the exhibition.  Would love to meet other empyre members at the festival!
> Best, Tiffany
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Tiffany Holmes, Assistant Professor
> Department of Art and Technology
> The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
> 112 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago IL 60603
> Phone: 312-345-3760,  Fax: 312-345-3565
> http://www.artic.edu/~tholme/
> > From: "Smalheiser, Neil" <smalheiser@psych.uic.edu>
> > Reply-To: empyre@imap.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> > Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 08:57:59 -0500
> > To: empyre@imap.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> > Subject: [-empyre-] Art Chicago 2002
> >
> > Tiffany Holmes uses a live mouse to control a computer (like a computer
> > mouse...)  Since she is a member of this list, perhaps she would like to
> > elaborate?
> >
> > Neil Smalheiser
> > _______________________________________________
> > empyre forum
> > empyre@lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> > http://www.subtle.net/empyrean/empyre
> _______________________________________________
> empyre forum
> empyre@lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> http://www.subtle.net/empyrean/empyre

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